AGILE PORTFolio and program management

Engine Tech has a proven track record of success on both small and large scale portfolios fetching billions in revenues using the power of Agile. Our comprehensive Agile based engagements builds the right processes and communication channels to build efficiency, transparency, predictability at scale.

PROGRAM MANAGEMENT is necessary and critical for the success of any organization where delivering key business objectives on-time and on-budget is critical while also providing transparency, predictability and the resiliency to scale efficiently.

Engine Tech can manage your projects from start to finish. Or, if you have an on-going project that is delayed, missing milestones, or is lacking momentum, then we can also deploy project management expertise to get your project back on track. Or, if you are an executive struggling to gain insights into your portfolio and multiple project swim lanes which are opaque, struggling to meet milestones and over budget, then Engine Tech can provide our Program Management experts to help build processes, coordination and communication channels to provide coordination and transparency to start meeting your business objectives.


We offer the following services:

  • PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT     We utilize continuous improvement and agile methodologies to provide end-to-end governance transformation decomposing enterprise OKRs into multiple development tracks all the way into the sprint backlogs of scrum teams to enable all teams across multiple divisions and product lines to participate in realistic quarterly business, budget, roadmap and capacity planning. We oversee business process improvements throughout their duration, mitigating risks while maintaining tight control over scope, schedule, and budget. From developing the business case, to the project management of the design, planning, and execution, we make sure the project delivers the expected value. We assist organizations in doing the right projects right – those projects with strategic alignment that make the best use of your organization’s time, talent, effort, and budget.


  • PROJECT MANAGEMENT     We utilizing scrum and agile methodologies to provide sprint planning, two-way communication between teams at all levels of management to steer ongoing efforts based on bi-weekly, monthly, and quarterly inspect and adapt cycles. We blend agile methodologies with change management best practices to ensure projects are completed on time and on budget while we address and unblock any on-going issues. We manage the critical interdependencies and communication among all of the departments involved in product development, from discovery through commercialization.


  • HEALTHCARE REGULATORY & QUALITY     We utilize project management to translate, plan, and execute strategies to help you achieve successful submissions, adhere to HIPAA compliance, and remediate identified issues. Are you developing software for regulated devices or your teams are struggling with the inherent conflict between the light-weight, dynamic approach of agile scrum practices versus the heavy legal requirements to document step-by-step traceability and change control for the federal government (pursuant to CFR 21.820)? Our in-house experts know how to use the regular output of a robust scrum process to satisfy the federal government’s documentation requirements per CFR 21.820. With only minor adjustments, both your agile software teams and the Quality Management System team for your device continue using processes familiar to each.